
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Late night

Mission Viper is in 7 hrs. My minds racing worrying about Kat, I fell asleep on the couch for 45 mins only to wake up screaming in the bath tub.... She must be in a great state of fear, or breaking down. What ever darkness is attached to her came back after me in my night terrors.

I'm back to no sleep and I think I just pulled lower back again.. This ain't going to be fun tomorrow. Gods I hope she's ok. I'm tired of losing the people I care about :( someone's laughing at me somewhere I just know it. Look at the loser lets make his life worse. Lets make him suffer.

Yet I still strive to help others and care for the ones closet to me.  I need to see my baby again..... If she's kept from me I will have my revenge 

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