
Friday, January 25, 2013

Galaxy Grocieries

Late night shopping on the Space Station with Mittens at Galaxy Grocieries, need oranges and broccoli, kale, maybe sponge too.

With all this healthy ness going on I'm feeling stronger and my mind is starting to become more focused. My Star Ship is in my sights.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Been doing good one this diet, I've been juicing and lifting weights. I'm trying to build up my arm strength to control the ship. Takes a good set of arms to fly her. Kats been trying to help me but she's been put into this teaching program so now she's teaching new doctors kind of interesting.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Do or die

I've been home for a few months now. I've seen my star ship, but something is wrong. I don't fit into the seat any more. I've gained 75lbs, and I feel sick every day. I want this to go away, but it won't on its own. Tomorrow I'm going to make that change. All diet 100 days, nothing but juicing, apples, egg whites. I have to do this or else ill lose everything. And everything ain't that much. But it's all I have. It's time to stop being afraid of the demon within.


Went out with Kats co workers tonight. Did a little bowling and drinking. Solar storms have picked up so the stations been vibrating a little bit. We're tucked in and she holding me and tell me to put my phone away :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


It's about 2:30am, just came back from my late evening jog thru the station. Kay hasn't come home yet. I know they've had lots injuries lately from the construction of the residential area in the station.

God I'm tired, I still haven't gone to see me star ship. Hope Kat comes home soon feels lonely here. So alone as I sit on the couch looking for something or someone.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Great night

Tonight I got to spend some time with my baby Kat, hung out, then went to the hot tub resort area on the 65th of the space station. Relaxed a little bit and just enjoyed each others company and the falling rain even though it was simulated :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I've been home now for a few weeks, the Astroliner is docked. My baby Kat has been taken care of me. She said I suffered trauma from being held captive. Right now I'm just trying to figure out who I am. Mittens and Jeffery came by to see me. They seem happy with their little bundle of joy.

I haven't seen the Astroliner in weeks. Casey and Mark have been keeping up on it for me. I'm afraid to go see it, it may reject me. I don't want to be alone. Thank the stars Kats here for me my true love. Maybe the Astroliner is really cursed I don't know. If it is I will find a way to remove it, it deserves to be happy too.